Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Bleeding Fool

Bleeding Fool

Celebrities, Politicians & Media Beclown Selves After Rittenhouse Acquittal

Posted: 22 Nov 2021 04:10 PM PST


Despite his acquittal on murder and all other counts, Whoopi Goldberg told her co-hosts on ABC’s “The View” on Monday that she felt Kyle Rittenhouse “murdered” two men last year, at violent skirmishes after a Black Lives Matter demonstration and destructive protests in Kenosha, WI. Rittenhouse shot and killed two individuals and wounded a third after offering medical attention to many others, and patrolling another area that had been vandalized.


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“Let me show you what got to me, the thing no one was really talking about,” Goldberg said. “The father of Anthony Huber, one of the young men shot and killed by Rittenhouse, puts things into perspective for me at least and on CNN.” During the interview she shared, John Huber said, "You know that guy gets to run free a now a hero. This is my son right here. This is Anthony. We lost our son. And there's no justice for our family and no closure. There wasn't going justice in that Kenosha court with that judge."



Goldberg said, "He wasn't doing anything. Was trying — he saw an active shooter. He saw someone get shot. He thought he was doing the right thing. So even all the excuses in the world does not change the fact that three people were shot. Two people were murdered. To me, it's murder. I'm sorry. I'll never forget that man."


That “man” is none other than Anthony Huber who was fatally shot after chasing and attacking Kyle Rittenhouse on August 25, 2020 What Goldberg fails to mention was that Anthony Huber was a convicted felon with a violent past. He had a criminal history including once threatening to "gut" his brother "like a pig" while holding a butcher's knife to his stomach. Below is but a portion of his lengthy record of violence.



Not only does Whoopie expect you to believe he chased Rittenhouse and smacked him with his skateboard in a failed effort to try to heroically stop Rittenhouse from continuing his “mass shooting spree,” but that Huber was a hero.


As for Huber’s father, John, here is a video segment at the end of a nearly hour-long hearing, where Huber wanted Rittenhouse’s bond raised. The relevant portion of the video is embedded below, where you can see Huber’s father in the lower right, wearing a black mask while alone on Zoom, flipping the bird to the judge and Kyle Rittenhouse. He also appeared to be making angry comments, but he was muted and we couldn't determine what he was saying. We know he’s probably in mourning, but come on.


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Whoopie and her fellow travelers were not alone in their misguided defense of the dead. Here’s Reese Witherspoon proving she isn’t quite as legally savvy as her ‘Elle Woods’ character.



For the record, crossing state lines is not a crime and is not relevant to one’s right to defend one’s life from rioters who try to take your firearm.  It’s a free country and we can all go where we want. Rittenhouse lived about a mile from the state line. He worked in Kenosha, and his dad lived there. Furthermore, he was guarding a small business and providing medical care for the injured, while being armed for his own protection. One hit him with a skateboard, and another pointed a pistol at him.   


Disney, Marvel and Star Wars actors certainly weren’t immune to the sweet smell of gaslight either. Up first, we have Pedro Pascal, the star of Disney’s The Mandalorian. This is the Star Wars actor that should’ve been fired for bad Twitter takes, not Gina Carano.



Here’s Marvel Studios’ Avengers actor Mark Ruffalo, who can always be counted on to provide a spicy communist’s version of events.



And not to be outdone by her older Disney veterans, here’s the next Snow White live-action actress giving it her best preferred pronouns effort, with some extra racism thrown in for good measure.


And for the record, here is the convicted child rapist Ruffalo is referring to affectionately with the pet name “JoJo” earlier on the night of his death, using the n-word (it’s been muted in the below video) and aggressively daring armed men to shoot him. This is the person whose death these Hollywood actors are mourning.


YouTube Video


The Pima County AZ Clerk of Courts has also confirmed that Joseph ‘JoJo’ Rosenbaum (the white racist featured in the embedded video above) was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old. So not only was he a virulent racist with violent tendencies, but he also anally raped little boys. No wonder pedoland, I mean Hollywood, is mourning his death after a jury of Kyle Rittenhouse’s peers acquitted him for acting in self-defense.


Even formerly cool rock bands got in on the act, somehow conflating these violent provocateurs who were destroying the city with Black Lives Matter freedom fighters marching for righteousness. This is a bad flex. Let’s all rename them ‘Rage Against Facts & Reason’



Other dumb modern bands were not very impressive either. Does these group not understand that everyone involved was white?



It’s a good thing he was carrying or he would be dead and none of these celebrities would care. Neither would the fake news media.



And of course, no progressive politician was going to let this crisis go to waste.




Does she really expect us to believe she thinks those guys Rittenhouse shot were “protestors”? And without fail, even a few washed up comic book creators got in on the act with their misinformed hot takes. 



Breitbart News noted that many other celebrities including Sophia Bush, Alyssa Milano, Bette Midler, and Josh Gad have also lamented Rittenhouse's acquittal, many calling it a victory for "white supremacy."


While anyone can reasonably criticize Rittenhouse’s decision to come to Kenosha and allow himself to become isolated from his fellow compatriots and citizens, putting himself in a position where shooting was his only alternative, no one is calling him a ‘model of civic responsibility’ for aligning himself with what amounted to a vigilante group after the local police proved they were either unwilling or unable to reign in the violent rioters and looters.


In the end, we must all remember that a court of law acquitted Rittenhouse based on the evidence, and the persons he killed were men with criminal histories who were behaving exactly how we would expect violent felons to behave. They were not helpless victims and they should not be considered “heroes” by any stretch of the imagination. They were adult men who each made very the deliberate decision to attack another man who was carrying a gun, and they were shot – end of story.



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New Speculation Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin Set to Appear in ‘Hawkeye’

Posted: 22 Nov 2021 01:15 PM PST


Hawkeye, which will launch on Disney+ in two days, has been very heavily promoted by Marvel on social media this month. And possibly no other actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been more excited about the new series than Daredevil’s Vincent D’Onofrio, who rushed to Twitter to express his delight at the show’s release just in time for Thanksgiving. Fans, though, are wondering if his fanboy moment says anything about whether or not he’ll appear in the series.


Last week, Vincent D’Onofrio tweeted a remark from a Marvel Studios promotional trailer of Hawkeye, noting the countdown to the show’s premiere with only a few simple words: “This is going to be fun. I love these Marvel series.”




The 62-year-old actor portrayed Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. Kingpin, in Netflix’s Daredevil series, but neither he nor Marvel have made an official declaration about whether he’ll repeat his role in Hawkeye — or play another character, for that matter. Regardless, many have interpreted his comment of his love for every Marvel show that airs on Disney+, including Hawkeye, as a hint regarding his return to the MCU.



And this isn’t the first time Vincent D’Onofrio has stoked rumors regarding his return to the MCU. He also shared an original poem he penned about a three-legged dog back when Marvel debuted the first Hawkeye teaser in September. Fans saw the poem as an allusion to Lucky the Pizza Dog, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop’s partially-blind pet, and as a cryptic indication that he may be linked with the program in some way. Several fans requested he appear in the replies as Kingpin, and he liked multiple tweets from fans speculating about his role in the program, adding fuel to the rumor fire.


ComicBook also has reported about some rumors that Vincent D’Onofrio would appear in Hawkeye since Alaqua Cox was starring in the program as Echo, a hero who, like her secret identity Maya Lopez, is deaf and mimics other people’s actions. In the Marvel Comics, the character of Kingpin is Echo’s adopted father, which might explain those rumors. And when he spoke to ComicBook last summer about his views about owning the role after playing him in all three seasons of Daredevil, which aired from 2015 to 2018, he had this to say:


 "I feel like that character is mine and it's only because I played [Kingpin] for those three seasons and was so close with him. […] any offer to play him again would be, I would definitely have a really good look at for sure."


Not much longer to wait before we find out if these rumors are true. Personally I hope they are.

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Black Panther 2 Production on Lengthy Hiatus Due to Leticia Wright’s Injuries

Posted: 22 Nov 2021 08:15 AM PST


Marvel's Black Panther: Wakanda Forever officially announced a production hiatus for the remainder of 2021 as it allows star Letitia Wright additional time to recuperate from an on-set injury earlier this year, Deadline reports.


It's widely assumed that Wright's character Shuri will take on a more prominent role in the sequel, and the note makes clear that there's only so much shooting that can take place without one of the film's stars. Wakanda Forever remains one of the most anticipated films on the studio's 2022 release calendar, and, during a shift of several Marvel Studios titles, Disney recently moved its release date from July 8 to November 11, 2022, where it's expected to remain.


Here is the note sent to the cast and crew with full details from Feige, Moore and D'Esposito:

As we wind down for the holidays, we wanted to send a note of thanks and appreciation for the hard work of our entire cast and crew, as well as an update on timing. First and foremost, this project is exceptional and something we know audiences are eager to see. We could not be any more excited to complete this film and share it with the world next year. Thank you for everything you've done to get us to this place.

Unfortunately, we've not gotten here without a few setbacks. Running a production of this scale in the midst of a pandemic is not an easy task, and you have remained diligent and professional throughout. In addition, as you are all aware, Letitia had a frightening accident on our set during a stunt back in August. It was a reminder of the importance of safety at all times in our work, which we know you understand and are committed to. What we had initially thought were minor injuries turned out to be much more serious with Letitia suffering a critical shoulder fracture, and a concussion with severe side effects. It has been a painful process and Letitia has been home recovering with her doctors and the support of family.

We've adjusted our production schedule so she has the time she needs to heal, but there's only so much we can do without Shuri! We also want to thank Letitia for everything she's doing to get back to the set – we know how much she loves this role, how tough it's been for her to be away, and how hard she's working to recover as quickly as she safely can. We are eagerly awaiting her return and we know we will all come back stronger together.

Please be on the lookout for more information on your specific return-to-work date. As of now, we're on schedule to resume filming – with Letitia – in January 2022. We are all focused on finishing the movie with excellence, honoring the memory of our dear brother Chadwick in the process. We are thrilled to share Black Panther: Wakanda Forever with the world, confident that the challenges that we have overcome together as a team will make the film even more impactful. Please take care of yourselves and enjoy the holidays.

-Kevin, Louis & Nate


Sources say Wright also sent her own video message to the cast and crew, thanking them for their support. We could not find any sources for the video and that is all we know at this time.

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Vice Wants to Censor Manga, But Supports Sexualization of Children in US

Posted: 22 Nov 2021 06:15 AM PST

The Vice news site wrote up an article with quite a headline: they say Japan can’t bring itself to ban manga featuring pornographic renditions of children:




From the article:


The comics feature young girls engaged in explicit sexual acts, often with exaggerated body parts but facial features that look like those of children. A growing number of countries have banned them, considering such depictions as exploitation of minors even if they are fictitious.

But in Japan, home to a thriving manga industry, including the pornographic kind, calls to outlaw these cartoons have been met with fierce resistance.

"We oppose policies that infringe on our freedom of expression," Taisei Sugiyama, a Japanese videographer, said.

Make no mistake—Sugiyama is no fan of the comics. He said he did not watch them, but would defend what he called the rights of those who did. He went so far as to compare people who like such manga with suppressed minority groups such as LGBTQ people in Japan, and blamed the "rise of feminism" in the country for the growing pressure to ban the content.

The free speech defense of porn manga depicting minors is a common refrain in Japan, a view largely endorsed by the ruling party. Though Japan prohibited the possession of child abuse material in 2014—the last of 38 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to do so—it stopped short of extending restrictions to manga and anime, two culturally symbolic illustrative media in Japan.

Anti-child abuse advocates warn that this reluctance to altogether ban sexualized images of children, real or illustrated, may leave room to normalize sexual violence against children.


I don’t find “lolicon” appealing, but the way Vice’s writers go about implying this should be a literal censorship crusade is insulting, mainly because of what the Federalist discovered a few months ago, that the left-wing news site doesn’t practice as they preach when it comes to these issues as viewed stateside:


In case you have the impression that this is an isolated incident, take a look at this mashup of Vice headlines, which in several instances attempt to generate sympathy for pedophiles, obfuscate the definition of pedophilia, and confer legitimacy to "non-offending" pedophiles, including one pseudonymously named Ian whose job "involved children directly" and another called Gary, a man who "developed feelings for a three-year-old girl" but calls himself a "virtuous" pedophile who supposedly doesn't act on his attraction. Gary was also a foster parent to three children and was subsequently accused of sexually assaulting one of the young girls.

These articles offer some rather striking context for other articles from Vice, such as one in which they fawn over "Photos of the Fabulous Kids of RuPaul's Drag Convention," which the publication describes with a fire emoji. As mentioned earlier, one of these children danced on stage for money in a New York City gay bar for a crowd of adult men, which was caught in a video that I can't link in good conscience.

Lest you believe that Vice is alone in their attempt to normalize pedophilia, turn your attention to the New York Times article "What's the Best Way to Protect Sex Workers? Depends on Whom You Ask" which opens with the line "TS Candii first traded sex at age 13." No, New York Times. That's called pedophilia, not trading sex.


When I realized Vice was posting apologia for real life child abuse, it was so horrific, I couldn’t link directly to their site this time. But this does present a chilling example of hypocrisy on their part, when they start advocating for censoring manga with lewd imagery, yet have none of the same concerns with real life exploitation of children. It also beggars the query whether they believe the animated products serve as competition to what they’re normalizing back in the USA, in a terrible sign of the moral destruction the country’s now experiencing, and based on that, they wish for it to be eliminated from competition so it won’t discourage corrupted minds from turning to what they have in mind for real life and live action.



Vice must also be advocating censorship against manga’s smuttiest ideas based on how Japan is largely a capitalist country, and in their socialist-influenced minds, this is not acceptable. If they really saw lolicon as a bad influence, they would’ve argued the Japanese government and education system should try to discourage crafting such smut, and if they did, it’s possible lolicon manga would’ve lost popularity years before. Instead, Vice performed the height of hypocrisy by advocating censorship of a gross form of pornography, while simultaneously condoning live action horrors for children in the USA proper. That’s not acceptable, and nobody should give an audience to Vice after this abominable double-standard.


I don’t know if sadism influences sadism, but it can certainly appeal to it, and it’s on those grounds objections could be raised to marketing such gross manga tales. But Vice is unfit for such a task, if they think it’s okay to do in the USA what they supposedly don’t think should be done overseas.


Originally published here.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife Crushes Box Office Expectations by Nearly 50%

Posted: 22 Nov 2021 04:45 AM PST


Sony had a very good weekend at the box office where Ghostbusters: Afterlife sits at the top with a $44M opening weekend. The Jason Reitman led film did so-so with critics, scoring 62% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, but the audience score is at 96% meaning ticket buyers are all in on the franchise relaunch. As Deadline notes, the film pulled in $2M short of the Paul Feig directed 2016 Ghostbusters, that was well before the pandemic, and the critics were swooning about that abomination. The new Ghostbusters film is likely to have a VERY good week with a lot of kids out of school due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


Recently dubbed Sexiest Man Alive, Paul Rudd in the cast probably didn't hurt either.



On the other hand, the other wide release of the weekend, King Richard, isn't fairing nearly as well with just $5.7M. The Will Smith lead story of Serena and Venus Williams was released simultaneously on HBO Max, which continues to hurt the box office of all the Warner Bros films that have being doing the day-and-date release plan. Rounding out the weekend, Eternals hung on to the second spot with another $10.8M taking it to $135.8M domestically and $336M worldwide. Clifford the Big Red Dog dug up $8.1M and Dune hangs on to the fifth spot with $3.1M taking the domestic total to $98M but worldwide it's doing better at $367M showing what the film might have done in the States had it not had a day-and-date release.


Clownfish TV looks back at all the bad press the movie got and the low expectations most film media had for its box office potential.


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The takeaway this weekend should be that studios would do well to give the fans what they want. The media has slime on their face, and should be embarrassed. Ghostbusters: Afterlife has breathed new life into the franchise’s ’80s fantasy fun and delivered the goods in the spirit of the classic original by balancing the spooky and the kooky.

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South Park: Post COVID Reveals Stan, Kyle, Cartman, & Kenny All Grown Up

Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:25 AM PST


The kids of South Park are all grown up in the first trailer for South Park: Post COVID, an original event premiering on Paramount+ Thanksgiving Day. The question of what happened to Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny during the pandemic will be answered, though the trailer teases how they have been irrevocably changed forever.


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An hour-long South Park pandemic special aired on Comedy Central in September 2020. Aside from the movies, this was the first South Park episode to run longer than 30 minutes. Of course, the most surprising moment from the trailer is the time jump that reveals the adult versions of Stan and Kyle. 


Enjoy your Thanksgiving feast with South Park: Post COVID on November 25th.



via ComicBook.com

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Tennessee University Football QB Releasing Bible-Based Comic

Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:10 AM PST


Sports Spectrum reports of a Tennessee football player who’s putting out a comic based on biblical scriptures:


Tennessee quarterback Hendon Hooker can now add "author" to his list of titles. Earlier this week, he and his brother, Alston Hooker, announced the release of a new Scripture book for athletes that they co-created.

"The ABC's of Scripture for Athletes" is a comic-book style book filled some of their favorite Scriptures and is now available for pre-order. It's tailored toward young athletes and there are also companion flashcards available.


It’s a great idea, but no doubt, some are bound to be rightly concerned whether it could truly sell in an era where far-left politics have astonishingly plagued mainstream sports to the point where it’s exceedingly difficult to enjoy them at all. And that’d be a valid worry indeed.




I wish the sportsman good luck selling his new comics-style take on biblical themes, but it shouldn’t surprise anybody if today’s politicized atmosphere could make it hard to market successfully. It’s a terrible shame it came to this, courtesy of a long failure to be vigilant and oppose politicization properly.


Pre-order a copy here.


Originally published here.

The post Tennessee University Football QB Releasing Bible-Based Comic appeared first on Bleeding Fool.

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