Comic Years |
- The Comic Years Podcast Interview: Arcane Editors Lawrence Gan And Ernesto Matamoros
- Producer Says Tom Holland Returning As Spider-Man After No Way Home
- No Way Home Multiverse Will Be Far Bigger Than We Realize
- Spoiler Review: The Wheel of Time Reaches New Heights In “The Dragon Reborn”
- Mass Effect Amazon Series Might Be Doomed, According To Former BioWare Writer
- Paramount Speeds Up Star Trek Discovery Season 4 International Release
- The Book of Boba Fett Trailer ‘Reign’ Takes Us Back to Jabba’s Palace
- Keanu Reeves Esquire Interview: Marvel Cinematic Universe Goals And Being Part Of The DC Universe
- Spoiler Review: Episodes 2 & 3 of The Wheel of Time Continues To Build The Epic Fantasy World
The Comic Years Podcast Interview: Arcane Editors Lawrence Gan And Ernesto Matamoros Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:45 AM PST It's safe to say at this point that Arcane is one of Netflix’s most successful series of all time. Season 1 of the incredible adaptation of the League Of Legends source material is sitting at a 100% Rotten Tomatoes' Critics' rating. And more surprisingly, fans seem to agree with a 98% audience rating. Not a lot of big swings like Arcane are so unanimously beloved by critics and audiences alike. And a big swing it is. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with two of the editors from Arcane. Lawrence Gan and Ernesto Matamoros discuss just the kind of risks they took with Arcane. And how they knew from the beginning, just how special it was. Check out this special Arcane editors interview podcast to get all the behind-the-scenes details of Arcane. Gan and Matamoros' Credentials Are Impressive![]() Image via Netflix. Before we dive into the episode itself, we definitely need to discuss the pedigree of my two guests. Lawrence Gan has worked in the Editorial department for movies like The Lego Movie 2 and the more recently released, Space Jam: A New Legacy. Gan's love of storytelling was evident immediately as our Skype call camera turned on, with a cell from the Inuyasha anime hanging proudly on the wall behind him. Ernesto Matamoros has been on the editorial department of the various How To Train Your Dragons TV series spin-off, like Race To The Edge and Riders Of Berk. Ernesto's love for animation runs deep, as he waxes poetic about the difference between live-action flip and animated editing, in one of my first questions to the men in this Arcane editors interview podcast. Arcane Editors Interview Podcast Provides A Lot Of Insight Into The ShowMy biggest takeaway was how they knew they were making something special while making it. Gan and Matamoros spoke about their experiences in the recording booth, with the voice actors. And it's evident that this was a passion project for both. Not to mention the entire team at Riot Games and Fortiche combined. Listen to this special Comic Years Podcast's Arcane editors interview podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the show on Apple Podcast and leave us a review and rating, so we can get more creators like Lawrence and Ernesto on the show. Arcane Season 1 is now streaming on Netflix.Did hearing about the behind-the-scenes of Arcane enhance your appreciation? Are you excited for season 2? Let us know in the comments below. Featured image via Netflix. The Comic Years Podcast Interview: Arcane Editors Lawrence Gan And Ernesto Matamoros |
Producer Says Tom Holland Returning As Spider-Man After No Way Home Posted: 30 Nov 2021 07:09 AM PST It’s exciting to know we’re less than a month away from the release of a new Spider-Man movie. Spider-Man: No Way Home is just weeks away, and the press junket is heating up. While we’re used to hearing little bombshells from Tom Holland, albeit via slip of the tongue, the latest news comes way of a film producer. Sony Pictures producer Amy Pascal sat down with Fandango to talk about the film. She also happened to mention that three more Spider-Man films are happening after No Way Home with Tom Holland returning to the role. That’s some pretty huge news for a Monday. Here’s what you need to know. A New Spider-Man Trilogy is Coming After No Way Home and Tom Holland is Returning![]() Image Credit: Sony Pictures In an interview with Fandango, No Way Home producer Amy Pascal explicitly said Tom Holland isn’t done as the webslinger. Explaining that Sony is “getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel,” Pascal didn’t leave much room for interpretation. Pascal also explained in her interview with Fandango that “we’re thinking of this [the first three MCU Spider-Man movies] as three films, and now we’re going to go onto the next three. This is not the last of our MCU movies.” This comes after Holland explained he didn’t know what was next for his time as Spider-Man. The quote that stood out to me from Holland just weeks ago was “"If I'm playing Spider-Man after I'm 30, I've done something wrong." The actor expressed this sentiment in his GQ interview. For the record, Holland is 25 right now. Another trilogy could stretch to that 30-mark, or beyond. If Pascal is right about another trilogy, then Holland might just be sort of staying out of active promotion of future projects. The focus for now is No Way Home. Overall, it’s hard to imagine anyone else as Spider-Man at the moment. Of course, this will be a little easier if rumors of All Three Spider-Men from the Sony films showing up is true. We’ll have to see whether or not these rumors happen, but I have a feeling of one thing. Holland loves playing Spidey, and one more trilogy would be a good way to finish his time with the hero. Spider-Man: No Way Home Releases On December 17If you’re excited to check out this entry in the MCU and Spider-Man saga, then let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading Comic Years for all things movies, comics, and pop culture. Featured Image Credit: Sony Pictures Producer Says Tom Holland Returning As Spider-Man After No Way Home |
No Way Home Multiverse Will Be Far Bigger Than We Realize Posted: 30 Nov 2021 03:19 AM PST "They're starting to come through – and I can't stop them!" Doctor Strange cries out at the end of the mind-blowing Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. Then, we pan out and see the sky ripping apart with what looks like an angry version of the multiverse thread in Loki. But this is a curious development. At this point in the movie, we'll have already seen Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Lizard, Sandman, and Electro. Plus, considering how Electro sports an arc reactor, we're also getting versions of the villains different from the previous movies. So, how massive will the multiverse be in No Way Home? Forget the 6th Member of the Sinister Six in No Way Home – the Multiverse Might Give Us a Sinister 6 Billion![]() (Image: Marvel Comics) Or more. Or less. The five who are appearing already raise some questions. We mentioned the Electro Iron Man arc reactor before, but that's the only obvious sign that these villains are not the same ones from Sam Raimi and Mark Webb films. But there are some strange bits about the other villains, too, notably Doctor Octopus and Sandman. In Spider-Man 2, Otto Octavius had a moment of redemption, refusing to "die a monster." Yet, when we see him in the No Way Home trailer, fresh from the multiverse, he's as evil as ever. Now, what makes this even more alarming is that, in Raimi's movie, learning Peter was Spider-Man sparked Otto's redemption. In No Way Home, he knows Peter is Spider-Man and wants to kill him. That's not the same universe. Even more puzzling is Sandman. First, he and Peter find respect and forgiveness towards each other in Spider-Man 3. But also, Sandman didn't die a villain. In fact, he didn't die! He just kind of goes away in a gust of sand. Yet, according to Octopus and Strange, everyone coming through "died fighting Spider-Man." So, if this is true for all of them, the Sandman we see in the final battle on the Statue of Liberty isn't Sam Raimi's Sandman. But they're all the same actors. So, now we have an even bigger multiverse to consider in No Way Home. And if there are variants of villains, then there must be variants of someone else too. We Could See More Than Three Spider-Men in No Way Home![]() (Image: Sony Pictures) It's evident that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield are returning for the final battle, but what makes us think they'll stop with just those two? We already know there's a Spider-Verse, and we have connections to Miles Morales in the MCU already. Given that Shameik Moore, who voices Miles in Into the Spider-Verse, is only 26, he could even portray a version of Miles in the MCU proper. (Note: If Nick Cage jumps out of the multiverse as Spider-Man Noir in No Way Home, I might die of happiness). With all the hints that the multiverse in No Way Home is far more extensive than they're showing, we could get some awesome Spider-Cameos. But, of course, there's one more thing to point out: why does it just have to be Spider-Men and Spidey Villains? Which alternate version of our heroes and villains do you want to see? I'm still waiting for Stilt-Man. It could work! (Featured Image: Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios) No Way Home Multiverse Will Be Far Bigger Than We Realize |
Spoiler Review: The Wheel of Time Reaches New Heights In “The Dragon Reborn” Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:25 PM PST Episode 4 of The Wheel of Time is titled “The Dragon Reborn” which is a phrase we hear often in the world of this epic fantasy adaptation. The show still has not fully explained who the Dragon was (although you can find out in one of my Guides to the World of Wheel of Time). So far the series has only hinted at the Dragon, a mythical hero or villain who could save the world, or destroy it anew. The legends of the Dragon are thousands of years old at this point, and the title has been claimed by many over the centuries. Who Is The Dragon Reborn In The Wheel of Time?![]() Image via Amazon Prime The newest claimant to the title of The Dragon Reborn in The Wheel of Time is Logain Ablar. Episode 4 starts with Logain, immediately establishing his importance to the world. He was a minor noble in Ghealdan, and it was he who started the war in the south. By opening with Logain, we also see a man channel for the first time. The difference is immediately apparent, with the One Power appearing as thick smoke instead of silvery threads that the Aes Sedai weave. Logain has a surprisingly advanced degree of control over Saidin. Perhaps he has learned from these mysterious figures whispering in his ear. But with them comes madness, as it does for all male channelers. Logain is keeping the whispers at bay, but for how long? It is clear that Logain actually does believe himself to be the Dragon Reborn. He is taking the job seriously, and it is easy to see how he rose to power. He is intense and charismatic, and absolutely has the look of a prophesied savior about him. Actor Álvaro Morte is magnetic in role, imbuing Logain with humanity and intelligence. It’s hard not to root for him, even though he is incredibly dangerous and a threat to all that we know about the world so far. Getting To Know The Aes Sedai & Warder Communities![]() Image via Amazon Prime As Moiraine, Lan, and Nynaeve join their fellow Aes Sedai we get to know many more characters alongside Logain. There are actually more Aes Sedai on-screen in this episode than I can name (although I tried). The most visible are Alanna and Kerene, both of the Green Ajah. It is Kerene who heals Moiraine at the beginning of the episode. Alanna is an old friend of Moiraine’s, as they were novices together at the White Tower. The episode does an excellent job of depicting the bonds of sisterhood amongst all of the women. Not many of them trust one another, and there is some open hostility. But every one of them would lay down her life to save another sister, as we see in this very episode. ![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios We also get to know the brotherhood of the Warders, and this is an inclusion I am particularly fond of. Largely it continues to build Lan’s character and gives him relationships outside of Moiraine. In turn this develops his relationship with Nynaeve, who does not trust the Aes Sedai and prefers the company of the men. It also reveals the varied relationships between Aes Sedai and their Warders. Some are lovers, a few are in polyamorous queer relationships (a great detail that I was happy to see included). Others are platonic partners like Moiraine and Lan. The bond between an Aes Sedai and her Warder is closer than any other, linked both physically and emotionally. When an Aes Sedai dies, her Warder often loses the will to live unless bonded quickly by another. The relationship between Nynaeve and Lan also continues to develop nicely in this episode. The two of them have a quiet moment where Nynaeve finds Lan praying, and he references his lost homeland of Malkier. Nynaeve opens up and reveals a bit of her own sad backstory, by reciting the last thing her parents ever said to her. She doesn’t even know what the words mean, as she does not speak the Old Tongue. But Lan does, and gives her the gift of this translation in an extremely emotional moment. You love to see it. A Shadow Haunts Our Heroes![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios Elsewhere in the world, Mat and Rand are on the road with Thom Merrilin. We find them travel weary, searching for a barn to sleep in when they are confronted by a farmer. There is a nice character moment for Rand here, where he diffuses the tension and sways the family into helping them. Could this be the Ta’veren effect at work? Mat is clearly struggling with the corruption from the dagger he picked up in Shadar Logoth. But Thom reads the situation differently. He explains to Rand how he had a nephew who went through similar changes. Mood swings, animals frightened by his passage, and no one knew what was happening until he threw a rock with his mind. Owyn could channel, and the Aes Sedai cut him off from the source. He lost the will to live, and Thom is haunted by guilt for not protecting him. ![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios This leads to an extremely spooky dream for Rand, where he sees symbolic representations of the struggles his friends are enduring. Perrin is endlessly killing his wife – with the hammer this time instead of the axe. Mat has darkness in him, and bloody hands. Egwene is calling for him, but the man with ember eyes is muffling her voice. When he awakens, Rand and Thom race into the farmhouse where they find the dead bodies of the family that took them in. Mat is staring sightlessly into the shadows, and lifts his cursed dagger to point at the Fade. True to his word, Thom protects the two young men and engages in battle with the Eyeless. Once again, Mat and Rand run for their lives. The Leaf Does Not Fight The Wind![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios Possibly the only people having a good time in “The Dragon Reborn” are Egwene and Perrin. They are safely ensconced with the Tinkers, with no danger currently lurking except for endless turnip curry. The young Tuatha man Aram flirts and dances with Egwene, but it is clear her heart is elsewhere. Perrin is still brooding, finding peace in work and helping to repair the wagons. He has several important conversations with Ila, the head of the Tuatha in this episode. Maria Doyle Kennedy really shines in this role. A veteran genre actress who brings warmth and soul to every role she inhabits. Her speech to Perrin about The Way of the Leaf and why she follows it is heartbreaking. It also helps to enrich the world and set up Perrin’s internal struggle between pacifism and violence. Nynaeve Channels For The First Time![]() Image via Amazon Prime As Logain struggles to break free of Aes Sedai control, he deals a lethal blow to most everyone on-screen including Moiraine and Lan. As the characters start to bleed out, it is Nynaeve who steps in. She takes one look at Lan’s slit throat and presses her hand to the wound, refusing to let him die. Suddenly she erupts with light, channeling more of One Power than anyone else in the room could safely hold. Her area of attack healing spell touches everyone in the room, healing their wounds and reviving Lan. It is a powerful moment, and executed beautifully. How To Gentle A Man![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios In the end, the Aes Sedai prevail and Liandrin leads the circle in cutting Logain off from the One Power. It is a devastating moment for him, but a triumphant one for the Red Ajah. Although the episode does (through Alanna) ask the question: “What if the Dragon Reborn is supposed to be at the Last Battle and the Reds have already gentled him?” It is clear that the way to handle men who can channel will come up for some debate in the White Tower. And the Aes Sedai involved in this illegal gentling will certainly face repercussions from the Amyrlin Seat. ![]() Tar Valon with The White Tower in the foreground and Dragonmount in the background | Image via Amazon Prime If Logain is not the Dragon Reborn spun out by The Wheel of Time, then who could it be? All of the Ta’veren so far have exhibited unusual abilities, and no one truly knows what will happen when the Dragon Reborn comes into their power. The rules are changing in the world, and the Aes Sedai must keep up. Next week we will see the aftermath of all these dramatic events, as the show begins to arc toward the end of the first book. For all of the latest Wheel of Time news and reviews, be sure to follow Comic Years on Facebook and Twitter today. And for more discussion on the series from two book fans, be sure to check out the Comic Years Podcast as well! Spoiler Review: The Wheel of Time Reaches New Heights In “The Dragon Reborn” |
Mass Effect Amazon Series Might Be Doomed, According To Former BioWare Writer Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:22 PM PST Fans might be excited for the upcoming Mass Effect series coming to Amazon, but it is an odd choice for a television show. Or movie. Or book series. Really, it's weird for any medium with fixed stories and characters. Games like Mass Effect, Halo, and Elder Scrolls allow the player to be the character, making all the traits and developments that of whoever is holding the controller. They can choose genders, races, body designs, and more. Television shows can't do that. We need established characters. That's why, as former BioWare writer David Gaider said, it can't be done. Why David Gaider Thinks the Amazon Mass Effect Series is a Bad Idea![]() Image: BioWare Customizing characters is the heart of these RPGs, which Gaider notes. It's part of the fun. "For starters, [Mass Effect] and [Dragon Age] have a custom protagonist," Gaider noted in his Twitter thread. "Meaning said TV show will need to pick whether said protagonist will be male or female. Boom, right off the bat you've just alienated a whole bunch of the built-in fan base who had their hopes up." Now, that statement itself is more accurate than he realizes since he addresses the characters in a gender binary. When you consider the many nonbinary people out there, then Boom, you've alienated a whole lot more than half. As a storyteller, he knows the importance of well-developed protagonists. However, as a video game writer, he also knows how significant it is for the player to feel like they are part of the story. A scripted narration can't juggle both of those. The Supporting Cast Will Also be a Problem for the Mass Effect Amazon Series![]() Image: Bioware However, the more significant issue is how Mass Effect tells stories through NPCs and companions, something the Amazon series would have trouble including in the show. As he states:
Hey, that fisherman in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion you take a mission from and get a magical ring that lets you breathe underwater? He needs his own series. He's the heart of the game! How Can Amazon Studios Make a Mass Effect Series Work?![]() Image: Bioware Though Gaider doesn't have a lot of hope, it's not an entirely lost cause. Yes, there is a problem with the protagonist and sheer size of the world, but we don't need a serialized television series following a handful of main characters. Nor do we need one main character. But there are two ways to go about something like this. Mass Effect Series: Option AAn anthology series. They can make every episode a different story with a different cast, taking place in the Mass Effect world. This way, we can explore the world more thoroughly, and a rotating door of characters can reflect more people and more choices. Wasn't digging the traditional straight white guy in episode 4? Well, in episode 5, we have a non-binary queer Latinx character. After their episode, a fat Italian guy who just wants to stay home and read a book with his cat. Okay, that last one is me and would make a horrible episode, but the point is they can include more diversity and explore the world. Mass Effect Series: Option BIf they really want an ongoing narrative arc, Amazon needs to make the Mass Effect series BIG. Lost started with a cast of over a dozen characters. That's where Mass Effect needs to start, but they also need to explore the massive cast far more thoroughly than Lost did. Plus, they'll need a lot more diversity than Lost began with. Not just because we need diversity, but also because of Gaider's first point: the protagonist can be anything or anyone. Currently, there are, according to IGN, 108 character combinations in the Mass Effect video game series, so Amazon Studios would have to figure out how 12 or so characters could represent all of them. ![]() (Image: Warner Bros) You can play your own story in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition in your preferred games store.What do you think? Is the Mass Effect Amazon series doomed from the start? Do you think they can pull it off? Tell us your thoughts, reactions, and series pitches for a live-action story set in the universe of Commander Shepard in the comments below. Featured image via BioWare Mass Effect Amazon Series Might Be Doomed, According To Former BioWare Writer |
Paramount Speeds Up Star Trek Discovery Season 4 International Release Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:14 PM PST We often forget here in the United States that entertainment doesn’t always reach other audiences as it does here. Often, we’re reminded of this when international audiences miss out on things that come to the U.S. first. The latest example of this really sent fans of a huge sci-fi show into a bit of a frenzy. Rightfully so, I might add. Star Trek Discovery debuted the first episode of season four just ahead of Thanksgiving. International audiences, however, learned that they wouldn’t receive the show until early 2022. With millions wondering when the show would arrive to their TVs and streaming devices, Paramount seems to have sped up the release of the latest episodes of the series. For a rundown of what led to all of this, let’s explore what happened to the Star Trek Discovery season 4 international release plan. When is the International Release of Star Trek Discovery Season 4?![]() Image Credit: Parmount+ All of this hoopla began with the announcement that the Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 premiere wouldn’t come to international audiences the same day as the U.S. The reasoning comes down to streaming partnerships. Internationally, fans watched Star Trek Discovery on Netflix. Here in the United States, we watched it on CBS All Access, which later rebranded as Paramount+ in March 2021. Ending a lucrative deal for the show’s international distribution, ViacomCBS Networks International revealed that the show would only come way of Parmount+. That meant a number of countries wouldn’t actually be able to watch the show. Overall, the platform is in many countries but countless others have not received the streaming network. With millions of fans wondering when they could watch the popular Star Trek series, ViacomCBS seemingly got to work figuring out a plan. The new plan, announced on the official Star Trek website, means fans won’t need to wait until 2022. For now, dozens of countries have a way to watch the show immediately. Stream Season 4 of Star Trek Discovery Internationally Starting November 26![]() Image Credit: Parmount+ ViacomCBS announced that Star Trek Discovery arrives internationally on November 26. Here’s where to watch the show if you’re outside the United States. Where Paramount+ is available in Australia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Sweden, Uruguay, and Venezuela, the first two episodes will be available Friday, November 26, with new episodes being released weekly. In Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, Pluto TV, the leading free streaming television service, will drop new episodes at 9 pm local time on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with a simulcast running on the Star Trek channel in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. This will begin with the first two episodes on Friday, November 26. In Canada, Star TrekDiscovery stays on the CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. I saved Canada for last given the unique situation they have. Plus, we love our Canadian Comic Years writers. New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery debut on Paramount+ in the US and (for now) Netflix internationally on Thursdays.If you’re loving what you’ve seen of the new Star Trek Discovery season so far, then let us know in the comments! Thanks for reading Comic Years for all things TV, comics, and pop culture. Featured Image Credit: Paramount+
Paramount Speeds Up Star Trek Discovery Season 4 International Release |
The Book of Boba Fett Trailer ‘Reign’ Takes Us Back to Jabba’s Palace Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:17 AM PST The descriptions for The Book of Boba Fett clearly set up a simple premise. The bounty hunter returning to claim what was once Jabba’s territory on Tatooine sounds solid. It’s honestly already becoming too normalized that we’re getting this series at all. I can’t believe a Boba Fett show is actually coming. Better yet, it’s just over a month away. In a new trailer for The Book of Boba Fett called “Reign”, we see the bounty hunter return to Jabba the Hutt’s palace. For long-time fans, the visual is certainly enough to take you back to those first scenes of A New Hope. Here’s what we got a glimpse of in the latest teaser from Disney. Boba Fett is Back and He’s Ready to “Reign”![]() Image Credit: Disney+ Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen lead the cast for The Book of Boba Fett, debuting later next month. In a new trailer entitled “Reign,” a mere 30-second teaser is enough to thrill fans for what is to come. We don’t entirely know everything that’s coming narratively, but we do know one thing. We’ll get another look at the planet of Tatooine, and more importantly, Jabba’s Palace. In the teaser, we see Boba take the head of a table in the Palace. We don’t even quite know what’s happening, but it’s certainly a powerful visual. After helping Mando takedown Moff Gideon, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand plan on running things in Jabba’s old territory. I’m sure that won’t happen without a fight. It’s really cool that we might get to see something I love about the Star Wars novels: the politics of this world. Of course, we’re not talking elected officials. Rather, we’ll likely find out what happened to Jabba and his reign. Who knows, maybe there’s still some Hutt presence. In the 1996 collection of short stories entitled Tales from Jabba’s Palace, for example, Jabba’s death in Return of the Jedi doesn’t mean the end of his crew’s power. His remaining gang and the Hutt family join forces to take over his territory. Then, of course, Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Jedi tells of one Talon Karrde who takes over as the new “big fish” in this realm of Jabba’s rule. Of course, the de-canonization of these novels means all bets are off for these stories coming to the new series. We’ll find out soon! The Book of Boba Fett Begins Streaming on Disney+ on December 29![]() Image Credit: Disney+ If you’re looking forward to The Book of Boba Fett after the Reign trailer, then you won’t have to wait too much longer. The series is arriving on Disney+ just about a month from now. You can stream the series premiere on December 29. For now, it might not be a terrible idea to rewatch some of the last Mandalorian season, especially that killer Season 2 Finale. Thanks for reading Comic Years for all things Star Wars, comics, and pop culture. Featured Image Credit: Disney+ The Book of Boba Fett Trailer ‘Reign’ Takes Us Back to Jabba’s Palace |
Keanu Reeves Esquire Interview: Marvel Cinematic Universe Goals And Being Part Of The DC Universe Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:18 AM PST Keanu Reeves is a bit of an enigma when it comes to Hollywood leading men. He’s quite soft-spoken and isn’t in the public eye a lot (save for his movies), yet he still commands adoration from fans around the world. He’s been made into memes, gifs, and has even inspired thirst books, but he remains humble as ever, which makes him even more likable. Recently, he went on camera to answer a series of questions for Esquire, and it shed some light on the actor, namely his thoughts on potentially joining the MCU (!) and already being part of the DCEU. So what did we learn from Keanu Reeves Esquire interview about Marvel and DC? Read on for more! In the meantime, #KeanuForever. What Keanu Reeves’ Esquire Interview Told Us About The Star’s Role In The MCU and DCEU![]() Image via Warner Bros. In the interview with Esquire on their segment called “Explain This,” Reeves addressed the rumors swirling about that he might soon be joining the MCU. Back in 2019, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige worked fans into a tizzy when he said that Marvel has “talked to him (Keanu Reeves) for almost every film we make.” He added that he doesn’t know “when, if, or ever he’ll join the MCU, but we very much want to figure out the right way to do it.” In “Explain This,” Reeves said:
Is it just me or does it sound like Reeves seems pretty familiar with the multiverse? He had previously shared that he would’ve loved to play Wolverine and given Feige and the fan’s hopes to finally get the star into the MCU, I can only imagine it’s a matter of time. Despite not being in the MCU yet, Reeves is no stranger to the comic book world. He’s already portrayed John Constantine, the antiheroic occult detective from the DCEU, and he’s written a comic book (which will also be a Netflix movie!) called BRZRKR about a half-mortal,half-God named B. “who cursed and compelled to violence…even at the sacrifice of his sanity.” In the same Esquire interview, Reeves addresses a question about whether he’d come back for another DC movie about Constantine and he said:
So maybe we’ll be seeing Reeves in both a new Marvel movie and DC movie? I don’t think I could handle that and I feel like the movie theaters numbers might just implode. Watch the Esquire interview below: You can see Keanu Reeves in the upcoming The Matrix Resurrections, premiering in theaters on December 22, 2021.What did you think of Keanu Reeves Esquire interview: Marvel and DC? Let us know in the comments below! Featured image via Lionsgate Keanu Reeves Esquire Interview: Marvel Cinematic Universe Goals And Being Part Of The DC Universe |
Spoiler Review: Episodes 2 & 3 of The Wheel of Time Continues To Build The Epic Fantasy World Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:11 AM PST The Wheel of Time continues to raise the stakes in episodes 2 & 3 of Amazon’s epic fantasy adaptation. At the end of the premiere episode, we saw our young heroes leave their home of the Two Rivers with an Aes Sedai named Moiraine and Lan – her Warder. The next two episodes dropped at the same time as the premiere, and pair together nicely. So, let’s explore what happens in episode 2 – “Shadow’s Waiting” and episode 3 – “A Place of Safety.” The Shadow Rising![]() Image via Amazon Prime Episode 2 begins by introducing us to one of the other major groups in the world. We meet Eamon Valda, one of the Children of Light – also called the Whitecloaks. In a chilling moment, we see Valda eat an ortolan while calmly talking to an Aes Sedai he has tied to a stake. He has cut off her hands to prevent her from channeling. And he collects her Aes Sedai ring to add to his macabre collection. I have to say that I hate witch burnings in media, but the final shot of her burning reflected in Valda’s goblet is horrifyingly beautiful. When we see our heroes again, the group is riding away from Trollocs. They arrive at Taren Ferry where Moiraine convinces the Ferryman to take them across. When the Trollocs do show up, they stop short at the river and we learn that they cannot cross deep water. An eerie moment occurs when a rider emerges from the group of Shadowspawn and faces down the group. This is a Myrddraal – referred to in the show as one of the “Eyeless” or a “Fade.” The Power Of The Aes Sedai![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios The Ferryman is insistent that he return to his home to help his family, but Moiraine cannot allow him to give the Shadowspawn a way to cross the river. She uses the One Power to sink the ferry, and the foolish man goes down with his craft. The young people from the Two Rivers watch in horror as he drowns, and their distrust of the Aes Sedai grows. This episode is a bit slower paced than the premiere, but it establishes a lot of important world-building as it goes along. We learn that Egwene has the ability to channel, as Moiraine teaches her how to touch the One Power. The four young people share a creepy dream that involves bats and a man with “eyes like embers.” Upon awakening, they all find dead bats strewn about the forest, and Moiraine warns them of the power of dreams. Eventually they encounter the very same group of Whitecloaks we saw at the beginning of the episode, and Valda tries to intimidate Moiraine into revealing herself as an Aes Sedai. This scene is extremely effective at showing the ways that the Aes Sedai can work around the three oaths they must swear when becoming full sisters of the White Tower. They cannot lie directly, they cannot kill with the One Power, and they cannot use the One Power as a weapon except as a last resort (or against Shadowspawn). If you pay close attention to everything that Moraine says in this scene, not one word is a lie. As Moiraine explains to Egwene, people often hear the truth that they want to hear. Verbiage is important, and if Egwene is to become an Aes Sedai she must learn to hone her mind and hear the truth in between the words that people speak. The History of Manetheren![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios The real showpiece of this episode comes with the empty city that they travel to – Shadar Logoth. The episode builds up to this location in a reasonably straightforward scene that has a lot of implications. As they travel Mat, Egwene, Perrin, and Rand suddenly break out into song. This battle hymn tells the story of the ancient kingdom of Manetheren – the place where the Two Rivers now stands. I loved this song and the moment when Moiraine and Lan identify the story it is telling. Moiraine tells the group the true story of Manetheren – how they held out against a horde of Shadowspawn for 13 days. No help ever arrived. The last Queen of Manetheren used the One Power to channel a massive burst of energy that eventually destroyed the Trolloc army. She died in the process, burning herself out by drawing too much of the One Power. Into The Cursed City![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios One of the groups that should have shown up to help Manetheren were the people of Shadar Logoth. But instead they built a huge wall around their city and let the world burn. For their betrayal, they were cursed and all of the people of the city mysteriously disappeared. As the group races to escape the Fade that has found them, Moiraine is too weak to channel due to the Trolloc poison still afflicting her. Lan makes the (questionable) decision to escape to Shadar Logoth – a place where not even Trollocs dare to tread. It is in Shadar Logoth that we see a turning point for the character of Mat. He has already been established as a gambler and a rogue. And he is unable to resist picking up shiny things. Mat awakens in the night, called by an unseen force to a dagger that is waiting for him. As he picks it up, a shadow spreads across the city. It turns a horse to dust, and chases our heroes. They are forced to separate, with Mat and Rand escaping through a sewer grate while Egwene and Perrin leap from the walls into the river. Meanwhile, Lan rushes an unconscious Moiraine to safety only to find a dagger at his throat. The Return of Nynaeve in Episodes 2 & 3 of The Wheel of Time![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios Who wields the dagger? Why it is none other than our lost Wisdom – Nynaeve al’Meara as the third episode reveals. That episode – “A Place of Safety” – opens with a flashback showing how Nynaeve escaped the Trolloc that abducted her and eventually killed it. She tracked Lan to Shadar Logoth, in an attempt to find her friends. The scenes between Lan and Nynaeve in this episode are among the best the series has to offer. Theirs is an important relationship that largely occurs off-page in the books, and bringing these moments to life on-screen is one of the best changes the show has made. You can see Nynaeve’s internal struggle as she finally consents to helping Moiraine. And it is clear that Lan is intrigued by this young woman. The Heroes Separated in Episodes 2 & 3 of The Wheel of Time![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios Meanwhile our young heroes have been separated and must continue their respective journeys to Tar Valon. Perrin and Egwene find themselves chased across an open plain by a pack of wolves. This eventually leads them to some tracks from a caravan that they follow. Here is where we see Perrin start to become protective of Egwene. His guilt over killing his wife in the premiere episode is already affecting his character. But the two of them journey onward to find a group of Tinkers – a traveling people who follow the pacifistic Way of the Leaf. For now, this is their place of safety. The Man Who Can’t Forget![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios Rand and Mat continue through the mountains to a small mining town. Here they take shelter at the inn, working for their meals and a place to sleep. They also encounter a gleeman named Thom Merrilin, who promptly steals Mat’s coin purse. I have to say that I’m not wildly impressed with the singing voice of the actor they got to play Thom. However, the song he sings about the Dragon – “The Man Who Can’t Forget” is extremely compelling, and important to the lore of the world. A Dead Aielman![]() Image via Amazon Prime Mat ventures out into the darkness to where a corpse hangs in a cage. There is a jewel dangling from the corpse’s belt, and Mat wants to claim it. However, he is interrupted by Thom who questions his intentions. We learn that the dead man was an Aiel – a member of a tribal group that lives in the desert called The Waste. You can typically identify an Aiel by their distinctive red hair and height. They are still feared and reviled after a bloody war that happened in recent history. The Aielman was killed because of that prejudice, as Thom reveals that you only need to fear an Aiel when they are veiled. This one had his face exposed, and was no threat to the town. In a rare moment of honesty, Mat reveals he needs money to get home and Thom lets him search the body. Along with the jewel, he finds a small carving of a stone dog. This is an important object, representative of the clan this Aielman belonged to. The fact that Mat has it may be important in the future. A Darkfriend Threatens Rand![]() Image via Amazon Prime Meanwhile, Rand is getting to know the innkeeper Dana. He reveals to her that he never put much stock in the concept of the Wheel of Time until now. Dana tries to make a move on Rand, who pulls back. And in a sudden twist, we learn that Dana is a Darkfriend. These are normal people who have been seduced by the Dark One, and have sworn themselves to him. Dana reveals that she has already called for one of the Eyeless, and only needs to keep Rand imprisoned until the Shadowspawn arrive. She put Mat and Rand in the barn for a reason, the door is made of ironwood and cannot be broken down. Except in an unusual show of strength, Rand does exactly that and escapes. Rand runs headlong into Mat and the two of them come face to face with Dana again. She speaks about how the Dragon could save the world – but only if they join the Dark One. She says that she has seen Mat and Rand in her dreams, along with the other Ta’veren But she is cut short by one of Thom’s throwing knives in her throat, and dies. Mat and Rand leave town with Thom, once again running for their lives. Rejoining the Aes Sedai![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios The end of episode 3 sees the return of Liandrin Sedai, who appeared at the beginning of the premiere episode. Lan and Nynaeve join up with this group in order to find a healer for Moiraine. And the sisters reveal that they have captured a man claiming to be the Dragon Reborn. The episode ends with a close-up on the man who can channel, a character named Logain who will be extremely important in events to come. ![]() Photo by Jan Thijs via Amazon Studios Episodes 2 & 3 work together nicely to establish how deeply rooted the Shadow is in the world of The Wheel of Time. From the cursed city of Shadar Logoth, to the darkfriend trying to trap Mat and Rand, and the ever-present fear of the Eyeless. The shadow is rising. The world is nearing the end of this Age and yet another battle against the darkness. What will the next episode bring for our heroes? Stay tuned to Comic Years on Facebook and Twitter for all of our Wheel of Time reviews. Spoiler Review: Episodes 2 & 3 of The Wheel of Time Continues To Build The Epic Fantasy World |
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