Comic Years |
- Rotten Tomatoes Superhero Movies Missing From Top 100 Of 2021
- Vin Diesel vs The Rock – History Of Why The Two Action Stars Hate Each Other
- How Boba Fett Survived The Sarlacc Pit Across Star Wars Canon
- No Way Home Ending Explained – What Happened To Spider-Man And Peter Parker?
Rotten Tomatoes Superhero Movies Missing From Top 100 Of 2021 Posted: 01 Jan 2022 07:23 PM PST With so many good movies on the horizon, it's easy to forget that a year ago movie theaters were dying. A year of delayed premiers and canceled showings left theaters in a desperate spot at the start of 2021. Things were looking promising in terms of public health, but people still didn't want to go to theaters, either because they just spent a year equating public spaces with the risk of death or because there wasn't really anything good playing. But then, as if to prove life can imitate art, superhero movies saved movie theaters and got people in seats again. Even after all that, Superhero and genre movies still don't get treated the same as their capeless counterparts. Even on Rotten Tomatoes, Superhero movies only break the Top 10 of the Top 100 movies in 2021 just once. ![]() Image via Sony Pictures Releasing. Rotten Tomatoes has a Weird Relationship with SuperherosRotten Tomatoes is one of the most trusted review sites in the world, which is funny because it has a clear history of being a bad judge of a movie's quality because it values critical reception more than audience reaction. Rotten Tomatoes' top 100 movies were selected based largely on critical score, and though many of them have high audience scores (like the superhero ones), it's not an accurate representation of how those movies were actually received because the critics are not the audience. Shockingly, most movies are not made for professional critics. My favorite movie moment of the year, maybe the decade was in Godzilla vs Kong when Kong charges up his big bone ax using Godzilla's atomic breath and then beats the limbs off Mecha Godzilla in the ruins of Hong Kong. That moment was not made for high-brow critical acclaim. It was made because it's rad and people want to see the big monkey kill a robot dinosaur. Godzilla vs. Kong has a 91% audience score on RT, 9% higher than the audience score of their #1 movie of the year Nomadland, but it doesn't even crack the top 100. ![]() Image via Legendary Pictures A movie's value doesn't strictly come from how it did at the box office. However, the movie theaters need money to survive, and they weren't getting that in early 2021. If you add up the domestic box office totals of 9 of the RT top 10 list, you get a bit over $220 million, with more than half of that coming from Raya and the Last Dragon. If you add up the domestic box office totals of all the superhero movies in the top 10, then you get a bit over $530 million, all of which is coming from Spider-Man: No Way Home. Superhero movies swooped in and saved movie theaters by being exactly what audiences wanted, even if they continue to not be what critics value.
No Love for Genre FictionRotten Tomatoes may not like superhero movies, but this isn't isolated to them. Genre fiction has been undervalued for decades. There is an invisible line that separates the world of Literature from genre fiction, and it can most simply be illustrated by dragons. If a book has a dragon in it, odds are good it's going to be treated a lot differently than its much lamer, fire-lizard-free counterparts even if they have the exact same message and themes and are both insanely boring. Dragons, capes, lightsabers, too many siigns that something is genre fiction that wants to be taken seriously by adults seems to signal to critics that this thing ain’t literature. Genre fiction is consistently discounted as being frivolous because it uses a more interesting world to communicate allegorically instead of literally. Spider-Man is a story of someone with immense power and ambition to use it, but when he uses that power as he knows it should be used, his life goes down the drain. That's basically the exact story of Stendhal's The Red and The Black, a book considered a classic even though Julian Sorrel doesn't punch a single Goblin. ![]() Image via Sony Pictures Releasing. Wolverine is a man who doesn't change even as he has to do terrible things, but the world around him and his conscience inside wither even as he takes like 20 sleeping darts in the neck while Stryker's army attacks Xavier's school. That's almost verbatim the story of The Picture of Dorian Gray, only he doesn't have claws and instead of the world dying around him, it's a rotting painting. Similar themes, different execution, vastly different critical regard. Rotten Tomatoes Should Show Superhero Movies Some LoveLiterally, they should show the love these movies get from their audiences, not from the professional critics who the movies weren't made for. Superhero movies saved movie theaters this year. Without them, theaters would still be trying to pay their bills by selling giant bags of popcorn in empty parking lots. It was bleak. But now we have movies to look forward to again. Theaters are open, and movie studios survived long enough to figure out how to do streaming launches too. Superhero movies saved movie theaters, but then as if a spell was cast, critics largely forgot about how much they contributed to the industry and went back to calling them formulaic and overdone. Spider-Man: No Way Home earned $1 billion dollars so far and is still in theaters, and you can check out many of the other superhero and genre movies that should have been in the top 10 on Disney+ and HBO Max.What was your favorite movie of the year? Was it in the Rotten Tomatoes top 100 movies of the year? Tell us in the comments below! Featured image via Legendary Pictures Rotten Tomatoes Superhero Movies Missing From Top 100 Of 2021 |
Vin Diesel vs The Rock – History Of Why The Two Action Stars Hate Each Other Posted: 01 Jan 2022 11:32 AM PST The world loves to pit people or things against each other: dogs versus cats, DC versus Marvel, Team Edward versus Team Jacob. I’ve never been surprised at the popularity of reality shows because who doesn’t enjoy a big, catty shouting match, amiright? So today, I’m going to look at some bad blood between two of the biggest action stars of the 21st century: Vin Diesel vs The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson, and what is the deal with the hate between Vin and Dwayne? Where Did the Hatred Between Vin Diesel and The Rock Begin?![]() Image via Universal Pictures How did this feud between Diesel and Johnson begin? When did pop culture start pitting Vin Diesel vs The Rock as a thing? Were they best friends and one unknowingly said something that hurt the other’s feelings a la Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie (“Vin knows what he did, and that’s all I’m ever going to say about it”). Or was it just hate at first sight? To get to the bottom of this, we have to go back to 2011 when Johnson first appeared in the Fast and the Furious franchise’s fifth movie, appropriately named Fast Five. He played Luke Hobbs, an agent pursuing the Fast and Furious crew for their various crimes against the law in general. Things seemed great: Johnson returned for the sixth and seventh movies (Fast & Furious 6 and Furious 7), and there were publicity images of him with cast members of the franchise. However, things blew up in 2016, when Johnson posted in a now-deleted Instagram post that there were some “candy asses” on the Fast and Furious sets. Thanks to screenshots though, his words continue to live on. Check out the post via Twitter below:
Sh*t is going down! Many fans scrambled to try and figure out who the candy ass (or asses) were and some pointed to Diesel, but without solid evidence. After the eighth film (The Fate of the Furious) wrapped, Johnson went back to Instagram to share another post, this time thanking some of his castmates by name, but purposefully leaving out any mention of Diesel. This didn’t look good and Diesel actually seemed to confirm that there was beef between him and Johnson. He went on his own Instagram and said in a video, "Honestly, give me a second and I will tell you everything," he said. "Everything." From there, both Diesel and The Rock went back and forth, talking about their relationship in terms of “brotherhood” and having arguments with your family, but still loving them. Some of the quotes seem to beg the question, what hate between Vin and Dwayne? Interestingly, both Johnson and Diesel have gone on to say things that seem to me…a bit passive aggressive? They haven’t said they hate each other outright, but there’s definitely some snark to some of their quotes. In an interview with Vanity Fair via IndieWire on the infamous deleted Instagram post, Johnson said:
On a similar note, Diesel told USA Today that they were really close and that the public has blown their “fight” out of proportion. He said:
After the success of Hobbs & Shaw, Johnson shared in an Instagram video that he was grateful to the cast and crew and this time, he thanks Diesel, saying “Lastly, but not least, want to thank brother Vin for your support of Hobbs & Shaw. I’ll be seeing you soon, Toretto.” Most recently though, Vin Diesel vs The Rock’s relationship is being brought into the spotlight again when Johnson addressed an Instagram post that Diesel has posted in November asking him to rejoin the Fast and the Furious franchise. In an interview with CNN, Johnson called Diesel’s post “manipulation” and said:
Oof, that did not sound good. Diesel’s Instagram post had said, “My little brother Dwayne… the time has come. The world awaits the finale of Fast 10. As you know, my children refer to you as Uncle Dwayne in my house. There is not a holiday that goes by that they and you don’t send well wishes… but the time has come.” If I’m being honest, I can see why there’s hate between Vin and Dwayne, especially after a post like this and Johnson stating he didn’t want to come back. Can Vin Diesel And Dwayne Johnson’s Relationship Ever Be Repaired?![]() Image via Universal Pictures To put it bluntly, probably not. Both action stars have been super busy (Diesel was in Bloodshot and will star in a Rock Em Sock Em movie, and Johnson has Black Adam and was recently in Jungle Cruise). Also, they just seem to have clashing personalities and ways of doing things, which happens. Johnson told Vanity Fair that he and Diesel are “philosophically two different people” who “approach the business of moviemaking in two different ways.” Is it possible that the idea of Vin Diesel vs The Rock is all one big publicity stunt? After all, they both have content coming out. In a November 2016 interview with the Los Angeles Times, Johnson had implied that the feud was at least partly free publicity for The Fate of the Furious. "I've been in the game a long time," he said at the time. "Would Universal have preferred that didn't happen? Sure, we talked about it. The irony is after that and as they do their tracking and all their analysis, the interest shot through the roof to a whole other level." However, I don’t think this is for publicity anymore. Johnson sounds adament about not wanting to rejoin the Fast and Furious franchise anymore, and I think that should be respected. What do you think of the hate between Vin and Dwayne? Is it all just one big publicity stunt? Do you think they’ll ever be friends? Let us know in the comments below! Featured image via Universal Pictures Vin Diesel vs The Rock – History Of Why The Two Action Stars Hate Each Other |
How Boba Fett Survived The Sarlacc Pit Across Star Wars Canon Posted: 01 Jan 2022 07:04 AM PST If you’re like me, then you’re not satisfied by simply reading or watching new Star Wars content. I’m all about the deep dives, explorations of lore, and of course, healthy conjecture. That said, one of the fandom’s most beloved characters is now in the official Disney canon. After an appearance in The Mandalorian, Boba Fett is back. For fans of the Original Trilogy, this could be a bit confusing. As far as many casual fans know, Fett died in the Sarlacc pit during the early scenes of Return of the Jedi. If you’re curious about how Boba Fett survived, then here’s an explanation as seen in The Book of Boba Fett series. A Great Escape for the Bounty Hunter Finally Revealed![]() Image Credit: Disney+ In The Book Of Boba Fett Series Premiere, the show opens with Boba Fett’s escape from the Sarlacc pit. If you’re one of many fans who assumed he died, then you’re not alone. As far as the main canon goes, we thought Fett died up until The Mandalorian Season 2. Once we saw actor Temuera Morrison, we knew what was going on. That means somehow Return of the Jedi‘s seemingly dim end for the bounty hunter wasn’t really the end. So, let’s talk about how Boba Fett survived that Sarlacc pit outside Jabba’s palace. In The Book of Boba Fett, the bounty hunter is seen resting in a Bacta tank. During some traumatic flashbacks, we see Fett alive in the Sarlacc’s stomach. With few options, the assassin uses his flamethrower to blow a hole through the intestines of the creature. From here, Fett crawls through the sand and triumphantly emerges through the deserts of Tatooine. Fans of the sitcom Parks & Recreation might remember a similar fan theory from Patton Oswalt’s character Garth Blundin. In fact, Oswalt even tweeted about the coincidence, telling fans “YOU’RE WELCOME.”
The episode, written by Jon Favreau and directed by Robert Rodriguez, might have known about the little speech given by Bundin. That said, it’s not as simple as a little Parks & Rec cross-universe story timeline. It’s not so much that Oswalt wrote the plot point. While it’s a funny coincidence, the escape also mirrors the long-standing Legends narrative of Boba Fett’s survival. Here’s what happened in those books and how it’s different. How Does Boba Fett Survive in the Legends Canon?![]() Image Credit: Lucasfilm In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, now titled the Star Wars Legends canon, Boba Fett also survives. How Boba Fett survived in the novels varies in detail from that of The Book of Boba Fett‘s explanation. Overall, Fett uses his jetpack and other weapons in the Legends novels to escape the stomach of the Sarlacc. This first occurs in Marvel’s Star Wars #81 released in 1983. A much more detailed look occurs in A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett. Released in 1996, A Barve Like That gives us a really weird look at Fett’s escape. While awakening in the Sarlacc’s stomach, Fett realizes he can communicate with other victims of the Sarlacc. Fett works with the Sarlacc’s first victim, Susejo, to discover an escape plan. By using his jetpack to explode out of the creature’s grasp, Fett used grenades to escape from the stomach altogether. There’s also the beloved Dark Horse comics run Dark Empire. In this story, Fett survives the Sarlacc pit and runs into Han Solo again. As you can imagine, Solo is a bit confused about how Boba Fett survived. It’s not a reunion that sparks some sort of new relationship, however. The surviving Hutts place a huge bounty on Solo and Leia’s heads, and you’ll never guess who picks up the bounty. That’s right: Fett is back on the job. One final not-so-official canon where Boba Fett survives is in the Adult Swim series Robot Chicken. In no way related to actual canon, there are some really great Boba Fett shorts from the series. One even has Fett and Prune Face himself Orrimaarko discussing an escape plan inside the Sarlacc itself. It’s clear that no matter who’s writing the story, Fett’s survival is something a lot of people wanted over the years. New Episodes of The Book of Boba Fett Debut Wednesdays on Disney+![]() Image Credit: Disney+ You can stream The Book of Boba Fett series premiere now on Disney+. Episode 2 arrives on January 5th on the streaming service. If you have thoughts on Boba Fett’s canonized escape, then make sure to share them in the comments. There are certainly Legends purists who will disregard any changes from the long-beloved books. That said, I think this is about as clean an escape and explanation we could ask for. We’re going to keep up with everything The Book of Boba Fett has to offer, plus a lot more Star Wars in 2022. From new novels in The High Republic to video game releases, we’ve got you covered! Keep reading Comic Years for more on The Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars, and all things comics and pop culture. Image Credit: Disney+ How Boba Fett Survived The Sarlacc Pit Across Star Wars Canon |
No Way Home Ending Explained – What Happened To Spider-Man And Peter Parker? Posted: 31 Dec 2021 11:19 PM PST Some of the biggest spoilers and surprises in Spider-Man: No Way Home were leaked online months before the movie came out. Still, it's one thing to believe something and another thing to see it. Overall, this film is one of the most ambitious Spider-Man and Marvel movies ever made. Yet, we're comic book fans, so you know we all have questions. Specifically, questions about how the resolution of the film works in a practical way. The answer it seems comes down to the age-old decision of practicality versus drama. So, be wary of spoiler if you haven't seen the film. Because we're going to make sure we have the Spider-Man: No Way Home ending explained in a definitive way. And there's nothing more definitive than hearing from the storytellers themselves. We're going to get into spoilers before the jump, but if you don't know the ending of Spider-Man: No Way Home yet still want it explained, who are we to say "we can't?" In any science fiction "how does that work?" is a ubiquitous question. In the case of this movie, know that what's most "important" about the end of the movie is how the characters feel (or don't) about what happened. Sure, there may be practical questions about the "how" of it all, but that's where fan speculation and (civil) debate comes in. It gives us all something to talk about while we wait to find out if Spider-Man is back in the MCU (again). Now that the spoilers timer has expired, screenwriters Erik Sommers and Chris McKenna sat down to talk about their process writing this movie. There was a lot to manage, which is why asking for the No Way Home ending to be explained is kind of funny. Spoilers to follow. The Spider-Man: No Way Home Ending Explained by the Screenwriters![]() Image via Columbia Pictures Okay, so the burning questions everyone needs explained about the No Way Home ending is how the Spider-Man and Peter Parker split happens. We opened this movie with the Spider-Man: Far From Home video of Mysterio revealing Peter's identity. In the end, Doctor Strange made the whole world forget Peter Parker, but what about those videos? We know that not all evidence of his presence vanished. In the last scene with Zendaya's MJ, she is still wearing the broken Black Dahlia necklace Peter bought her. But what about the call record on her phone? What about the photos he, MJ, and Jacon Batalon's Ned took over their friendship? Are they just gone? Did Peter fade from them? Do they look at those photos, remember him, and then immediately forget what they just looked at like the Silence from Doctor Who? Sommers and McKenna definitely talked about all this stuff while they were writing. And it turns out that they had some answers. As they told Variety:
They confirmed that "some sort of magical redaction has occurred," but the extent of it is left up to the audiences to determine themselves. Frankly, magic especially is best left ambiguous in terms of how it works, anyway. Does It Matter What Happened to Photos and Videos of Peter Parker?![]() Image via Sony Pictures For fans who love the nitty and gritty details of these films, being curious about how this spell worked exactly is fair and, probably, fun. Yet, in terms of the story being told, it doesn't really matter. The beauty of magic is that it can break any law of science or common sense you want. It's magic! What happened to the pictures and videos of Peter Parker, especially after his identity was revealed, is not as important as how he felt. The point of that ending in No Way Home can be explained not in terms of practical results but the emotional sacrifice Spider-Man made. In order to save everyone, from his friends to his enemies, he had to give up literally everything. Sacrificing to be a hero? Sounds like the most Peter Parker thing ever to me. Sommers and McKenna agree that they don't want fans obsessing over "magical math" after this film. Rather, they want audiences to understand the journey this Peter Parker took to go from DIY superhero to Iron Man's protégé to now living in obscurity with no friends or family. As heroic as his sacrifice is, it's also meant to give us a little bit of worry for the future, too. Andrew Garfield's Peter tells him that after he lost Gwen, he lost his connection to people. He stopped "pulling" his punches, meaning he became cruel. That's the danger facing our MCU Spider-Man, too. If he's alone for too long, both from regular folks and fellow heroes, he may change in ways that we won't want to see. (But will make for good drama in a new movie.) Ultimately, I found the end of the movie satisfying, because No Way Home is a story about how to be the best Peter Parker and Spider-Man, and that ending doesn't need to be explained at all. Spider-Man: No Way Home is currently in theaters.What do you think? How do you think Doctor Strange's spell worked on the photos, videos, and articles about Peter Parker? Share your thoughts, theories, and reactions to the screenwriters' answer in the comments below. Featured image via Sony Pictures No Way Home Ending Explained – What Happened To Spider-Man And Peter Parker? |
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